Special Spaces Illinois creates dream bedroom makeovers for dependent children ages 2-19 with cancer who are within one year of treatment. Our goal is to provide them a safe place to recover, heal, sleep, and even play. A very special space just to be a kid!
Illinois Dream Bedroom Coordinators:
Kristin Dailey, Amy Diamond, Amy Eiduke, Christy Gallagher, Alaina Garren, Andrea Hecht, Jennifer Hutsko, Jennifer Kahlenberg, Meg Meek, Kylie McKinney, Angela Murphy, Kristin Nordquist, Kara Novins, Elizabeth O’Hara, Pamela Postacchini, Becky Renkosiak, Paige Ronchetti, Peggy Schuld, Sarah Sebastian, Kelly Smith
Kelly Knox – Illinois State Director – kellyk@specialspaces.org
Andy Tutkaluk – Events Coordinator – andrea.tutkaluk@specialspaces.org
Erin O’Boyle – Program Coordinator – erin@specialspaces.org